Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Cupcakes For SammyJo

Hello again!!!
Okay, I know it's been a very long time, but I've been very busy!
I finished my first university term in December, and stupidly enough left all of my baking equipment up in Yorkshire when I went back to London.. So, I couldn't really make anything too extravagant. 
And, on another note, I've officially started a no-carb diet (let's see how long this lasts). I'm going to be a Maid of Honour next year for my sister's wedding, so I need to find myself a lovely dress, preferably in a size 2.. Thus, DIET STARTS NOW
I just got back up to uni, and have given in all my assignments (thank god) - don't think I've ever written so much crap in my life. As I write this post, it's been around 45 minutes since I submitted one of my elective essays online. A 3000 word essay on the two models of criminal justice - literally the biggest amount of blabble and waffle known to man. Not in a rush to get my grade back anytime soon.
But, I'VE FINISHED. Finally, after tons of moaning and whining, a few cans of red bull, and the majority of a Dairy Milk bar double the size of my head, I'm DONE!!
I've also persuaded my housemates to help me keep on track with the diet; so whenever they see me eating carbs they're supposed to slap me. Although just before, there was a little bit of an incident. I needed a bit of energy to somehow pull 1500 words of essay out of my ass in 5 hours, so grabbed an energy drink and a bit of the chocolate from the kitchen. And, as I'm standing in the corridor of my flat, red bull in one hand and choccie in the other, I'm spotted.. 
It's nice that they care so much, because they literally charged towards me, snatched the chocolate out of my hands as I curled into a ball on the floor, and walked away. But hey, cruel to be kind I guess..
Anyway, over the weekend I made a bunch of cupcakes for my friend SammyJo's birthday (and no, I didn't eat any, just in case you were wondering)..
I made three batches, using my three favourite tried and tested recipes - red velvet, oreo, and chocolate.
Also, my sister was in the kitchen with me, attempting to help me out but in reality sabotaging my every move. Whenever I turn my back, she creeps up behind me and in an instance a third of the cake batter has magically disappeared. And don't even get me started on the cream cheese frosting. 
Albeit, she was nice company and helpful-ish.. She seemed quite happy that I allowed her to line the baking tins with the paper cases. But also, she was in charge of taking photos of the process, so obviously there were a few silly photos of the plantpots and bananas on the kitchen surface, and for some daft reason, extreme closeups of egg shells and broken oreos. 
Oh, and this.
This happens way too much. Basically all our holiday albums from Florida consist of scenic photos, and snapshots of her feet.

And here she is..
Can't help but love her.

Anyway, back to the cupcakes.

 Left Red Velvet, Middle Chocolate, Right Oreo

I just love taking photos of cupcakes; maybe I should do this for a living...

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