Friday, 2 March 2012

Victoria Sponge

Yo (in the words of Joel Mullish)
Hope you're all having a lovely start to March - wow, time flies!!
It's almost the end of the first year of university; and apart from the entries in this blog and a few hundred photos of drunken nights out, I don't really have much to show for it. Better crack down on the reading..
Loads of stuff going on this month, very exciting.
A few weeks back I went home for the weekend to surprise my (amazing) mum for her 25th birthday (just kidding, she's really 24)... I managed to get all the way from Leeds to London without ruining the surprise, and came back via underground, hoping to walk home and surprise her. I had it all planned out in my head, and in my view, nothing could go wrong. My dad was in on the surprise, and I was chatting with him throughout the day so he could help me follow through with it all in a sneaky fashion.. But, this is where it all gets ridiculously stupid. On the train home, I texted my dad letting him know that I was at a certain stop, and that I'd be home soon. Cleverly, he left the phone on Loud, and in plain sight of my mum who was chilling in the kitchen, and she SAW THE TEXT! 
He tried to be all clever by saying 'oh yeah, it's an old text, she's definitely not coming home..', but my mum isn't that gullible.
But, she was still extremely happy to see me, and everyone seems to be really proud that I managed to make it so far without ruining the surprise earlier on. Good one me...
Anyway, I made a Victoria Sponge for my housemate Jack's birthday. And it must have been absolutely yummy because it only took around 15 hours for the entire thing to be demolished. Definitely a new record. Such an easy cake to make, and tastes amazing! The only downside - my uni oven burns EVERYTHING.. It's so unfair. I actually had to throw out a batch of cupcakes the other day because the oven just went mental and ruined everything.. And even with this cake, the outer layer was ever so slightly burnt, but you couldn't notice it too much. The problem is, none of us can figure out what setting the oven should be on.. It has like 6 different notches, and it's so unclear. My housemate Rebecca even googled the make of the oven and made a key to represent what meant what.. But it's WRONG!!! Half the settings on the key aren't even on the oven. It's like playing roulette, but with food. We just have to guess which setting is which, and pray that our dinner comes out decently cooked/not poisonous.. 

Very easy to follow - pretty much foolproof (as long as you have a decent oven)..

 Good jam.. I chose raspberry by accident, I planned on strawberry. But evidently I need to get my eyesight checked because I picked up the first jar I saw.
Slather on the buttercream. In this instance, less is NOT more!

I would have taken a photo of the cake once cut, but it wasn't around long enough for me the grab my camera..

Oh, and this is Jack - the belated birthday boy..

This is our standard pose.. And I think we look quite snazzy all dressed up.. Look at him in his bow tie!!
Obviously I've got a few (way more) embarrassing photos of him, but they aren't for the eyes of the internet - it's too harsh.. In time, maybe..
J x